This bright Tuesday morning I woke up at 8:00, threw on some clothes, and turned on my laptop to upload some pictures. Unfortunately this only resulted in a black screen and a couple of messages telling me that it couldn't find an operating system. I freaked out and went to get some iced coffee and an egg sandwich. I walked around the block before only getting a coffee and went back to the guest house to find my friend Bryan, who told me my computer was broken. Needless to say, DiDi entered my room to find me in tears and we cuddled for a while. She then managed to coax me into a taxi with her and Sarah, Jill, and Jackie. We dropped off Sarah at a hotel where her family was staying and went to the internet cafe across the street. It didn't have any internet so we took another taxi to the other Highlands Coffee and I had a BLT and worked on some assignments on DiDi's computer. It was a horrible day for my computer to die because I had a travel photography assignment and a final reflection due at 2:00. Since my computer was broken, I had to redo the photo assignment from pictures I'd already posted on Facebook. By 1:00 I left in a taxi with Jackie and Jill and we got to the VLS building on time for our last photography class.
The class consisted of handing in our cds with our travel photos and reflection papers. I could only turn in my photos of bad quality but the professor was thankfully sympathetic and understanding. I had called him as soon as I discovered my computer's untimely demise so that he was already in the know. We then all filled out a long and thorough evaluation of our weekend study trips, our VNLC class trips, and our weekly guest lecturers. I made sure to tell the professor exactly how I felt about everything. He then asked us about our favorite photography memory, etc.
We were dismissed by 2:30 and I waited outside the Lotteria restaurant on the corner for a bit. Then Sarah and Bryan and I walked towards the guest house. I went into this internet cafe called "Windows," ordered an excellent iced coffee, and wrote my blog entry on Jill's computer. I also took the time to write my final reflection paper 9I was graciously granted an extension) and found that it was actually a great tool for my introspection. I emailed it to the professor and 6:00, left the cafe, and went back to my room. Bryan and I then went to the rooftop restaurant and i got some quality my xao bo before hitting up the Citimart for the last time.
Bryan and I stopped by the guest house and then met Jill at a French bakery down the road. The three of us took a taxi to Acoustic and the live music was good. I left at 11:00 with Tony, DiDi, Brittany, Monica, and Jackie in a taxi. Our initial destination turned out to be devoid of people as well as the next two places we tried. Jackie, Monica and I taxied back to the guest house at 11:30 and I washed up and read in bed until about 12:30 am.
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