I continue to enjoy working with my little kids. They are truly awesome. They're quick to hug and even quicker to scream "BRUSH YOUR TEETH!" when I act it out. The good thing is that they enjoy my many vocabulary review games and are really remembering what I taught the previous week. That's encouraging and I am truly enjoying myself as much as they are. I never thought I'd look forward to going to work every day but I do. And we have a lot of fun.
This week, DiDi taught me how to drive her motorbike. We started with a primer lesson late one night in our alley. There weren't any other motorbikes out and I learned about the gears, starting the motorbike, stopping, etc. It went well and the next night I successfully drove around the block with DiDi on the back. By Thursday night I drove for about 20 minutes in ligh traffic. It was a bit scary but I did well. I don't think I'll be driving a lot though. This is not to mention that I don't have a Vietnamese driver's license either. :)
On Monday night it was my German friend Katerina's birthday and a bunch of us went and hung out at Xu Bar. I arrived late after singing. We had drinks and cake, which was a lot of fun.

Almost every night, DiDi and I meet friends for some fetal duck eggs and snails. This week I met some Aussie guy and I got him to eat an egg. It's the Caitlin charm, you know. ;) Let's just say he didn't like the egg as much as I do. He could hardly swallow it because he couldn't stop thinking about the baby duck. Amateur.

When we arrived home from our outing on Wednesday night, which featured seeing the movie "The Secret Life of Bees," (which I HIGHLY recommend, Mom) I heard a sharp popping sound. The apartment across the alley was having some electrical problems and the power lines on their balcony were throwing sparks. I took a photo and then got DiDi so we could have a neighbor contact that house. Nothing burned down so it's all good. :)

In my spare time I'm sending postcards (everyone watch your mailboxes!) and going out to take photos. Here are some of my favorites from this week.

Don't attempt to pocket this lighter.

This was taken from between the legs of my little red road-side stool. Taking photos of these policemen is illegal. He was clueless--don't worry.

I guess that's it for this week. Miss you all terribly...
Just so you know, the image of the fetal duck kind of made cringe but other then that I am continually amazed by your pictures as well your ability to capture the simple moments of life on film! I hope that you continue to have fun!
so I love how you take illegal pics of police men hahah. you're too much! I love to hear that you are enjoying yourself and new job teaching those children english. its sounds like a lot of fun! and again, wonderful pics!! I was thinking about you yesterday on Valentine's Day! love and miss you!
Hey girl!! Glad you're having so much fuuuun. To be honest, I don't think i can eat feta lduck egg either. Just wanted to let you know i'm gonna send you some mail soon! Can i send packages? <3 Oh and the other day i had the other urge to save money and come visit you- but even if it is possible i don't think i'd survive a day! haha :)
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