Sunday, February 22, 2009

This Week in Photos!

Also, my photo is on Hobart and William Smith Colleges' "This Week in Photos." It can be found at

The caption says the photo is from my time studying abroad here, because nobody remembers I graduated. That's OK with me--just don't tell the loan company I graduated already! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Caitlin!
I finally got a new laptop to replace my old clunker PC. Needless to say, I feel free and am thrilled to be able to communicate easily once again. Loved reading your blog. How awesome is it that you are all the way over there and enjoying life. Sounds like a lot of fun! I'm so glad that you're singing again. Was it wonderful singing with a Symphony Orchestra???? Your photos are fun to see . . . there are so many interesting subjects. I suspect the folks there would agree that photos from the u.s. are just as interesting! Will try to keep up with your blog. Love to you! Aunt Dawn

Lela said...

I'm totally gonna tell. Juuuuust kidding! I miss your face. Thanks for the blog updates!