Last night I went straight to bed after I wrote my blog and showered. I awoke this morning at 7:00 to talk to Andy, but found that Jill was using her headphone/microphone headset. I immediately walked down the block, bought a headset, and returned to the dorm to speak to Andy over the internet. It was amazing, as usual. After an hour I had to go to class and he had to start studying some science things. I also talked to James which was really nice. :)
I quickly grabbed an egg sandwich and walked to class. Class went well, was rathe runeventful, and I walked around the corner to the closest bus stop right after class. I rode the bus with Jill and we then parted after we were dropped off at the lake. I went over the red bridge on the lake and did some other shopping for people back in the states. I finished in about half an hour and then grabbed a quick xe om back to the dorm. I was back at my room by noon, dropped off my purchases, and walked straight to the rice buffet. I had my usual lunch and then planned our lesson for today's class with Jackie. At 1:00 pm I went back up to my room to change for class and packed my backpack as well.
We met to take the bus at 1:30 and got to school a bit before 2:00, when Jackie and I couldn't find our ever-changing classroom location for about 15 minutes. The students were as lost and confused as we were, so it was ok. We finally found our space in the school "library," which is simply a few long tables and bookshelves next to an actual classroom space. This room turned out to be perfect for our lesson today, however. We brought scissors, colored paper, and glue sticks so that the kids could make Halloween decorations. At first they were a bit hesistant but their creative drive really got going and we soon had really funny and original ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, and spiders. The farts and crafts took from 2:15-3:30 pm and then we cleaned up and got them a bit more settled down. Halloween songs, tongue twisters, text twists, and some hangman games soon ensued. We had lots of fun today and the last five minutues of the period entailed Jackie and I having them all pose with their creations for a group picture.
After class Jackie and I walked to the other side of the lake, taking pictures the whole way, and ate an early dinner of banana pancakes and iced coffee at Sago. At 6:00 pm we paid, left, and headed back to the southern tip of the lake and the huge shopping mall there. Jackie wanted to get some breakfast food for tomorrow morning, as our group is leaving very early for our trip to SaPa, Viet Nam. She went food shopping and I looked at soccer jerseys and some pearls for Mom. We walked across the street, caught the 31 bus, and were back at the dorm before 7:00 pm. I then talked to some people about going out tonight and have been sitting in Sarah and Monica's room for the past hour writing this blog and sorting through today's pictures. Hope you enjoy them! I won't post again until Monday (you're Sunday), and then I'll post for all of the days of the trip to SaPa. Don't miss me too much...
I DO miss you too much. I can't wait for you to come home and get us all organized to go to the zoo and other activities on your list...you do have a list for your next home visit, don't you? I am enjoying your adventures. Banana pancakes. Yum. You should get the recipe to bring home. I liked the pics of your smiling students and their artwork.
I came back to this site and wonder how/if my comment was deleted? Did I do it accidentally? It was about my favorite of the awesome photos on this post...the one of the two boys, heads together, cutting with scissors. Just a great image of the unselfconscious concentration of childhood!
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