Last night Brian and I took a bus to the Old Quarter to chill at Minh's Jazz Club. Of course we got a bit lost on the way because we took the bus one stop too far. At least we know enough Vietnamese to ask for directions! At the club I had a Coke and french fries and tried to stay awake during the two sets of jazz music. They were good musicians with good music choices, but I was really tired. At 11:30 pm, we wandered back out onto the street and took pictures around Huan Kiem Lake. There were some odd individuals but I ignored them or pretended like I didn't know any Vietnamese or English. I have also discovered the magic of turning my camera to its black and white mode and I played around with that all night. At 12:15 am Brian and I caught a xe-om back to the dorm where we had to climb the fence. I read for a bit and then crashed around 12:45 am.
I woke up this morning at 8:00 and did the journal entry for my photography class yesterday. I then got dressed and went out to get my usual egg sandwich. I walked to class and ate the eggs on the way. After two hours of brushing up on the classifiers for all of the nouns in the Vietnamese language, it was time to go back to the dorm. I went back to my gloriously air conditioned room and cleaned up my hard drive on my computer. I also did some Vietnamese homework, uploaded some photos from last night, and began to organize all of my pictures of people for our next photography assignment. At 12:15 I met Leah and some others for lunch and we went to our usual place right outside our dorm. I ate quickly and went back to the room in order to continue cleaning up my computer and finish my Vietnamese homework.
I changed into nicer clothes and met my fellow teachers at 1:30. We walked to the bus stop together and made it to the school on time. After some confusion about locked classrooms, Jackie and I taught from 2:15-4:30. We did some tricky tongue twisters to help them improve their English pronunciation as well as administering a spelling test. They need to really work hard on both of those things. Jackie and I then played some Text Twist with them, since we like the game so much. :) We'd give the students six or seven letters and ask them to get into groups of three and make as many words as they can. They could only use the letters we gave them, though. A good time was had by all.
Our group left at 4:45 pm and walked a couple of blocks to the bus stop. After a short bus ride back to the dorm, I chilled out in DiDi's room. I then packed my backpack with my laptop and got a group together to go to dinner. Monica, Leah, DiDi, Cathy, and I went to our usual spot and it was delicious. At 6:45 everyone left the restaurant and I went off to the internet cafe. I've been here ever since and it's about time to go back and meet all the girls to go out tonight. There's an Oktoberfest celebration at a nearby hotel and all of the chicks are going together, since the guys are all at this strip club.
Comment time!
Climbed the fence? Hmm.
i really like the black and white!!!
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