Thursday, November 15, 2007

Extra Peanuts!

Last night at 7:30 I took a xe om with Jackie to Le Pub. We found our friends from the other program, Amy, Michelle, and Mackenzie, sitting at the long table which we usually inhabit. Since it was $1 gin and tonics night, the rest of our group was coming to Le Pub as well. Jackie and I ordered Cokes and margherita pizzas and talked to our friends who also introduced us to some of their Vietnamese-American friends from California. They were all chill and we ate dinner and had fun talking to new people in English, which doesn’t happen very often. At 10:00, the rest of our group arrived and I switched tables to talk to DiDi, Brittany, and that guy Eric whom we met at Dragonfly a couple of weeks ago. At 11:00 I got really tired, paid for my dinner, and caught a xe om back to the dorm with Jackie. We got back at 11:30 and the gate was still open. I got back to my room, washed up, played on my computer for a bit, and then fell asleep at about midnight.

I woke up this morning at 7:30 for some odd reason. I got dressed, went and checked my email, and then grabbed breakfast on the way to class. Our class was only Will, Brittany, and I today and we thoroughly reviewed chapters seven and eight in our book. We were dismissed by 11:00 and I came back to my room and began to write my weekly journal entry for my internship. At noon, Jackie came to the room and we got lunch at the rice buffet. The older guy who works there even gave me extra peanuts! I guess my rice looked a bit bland.

I came back to dorm, bought a huge grapefruit and some cumquats in front of the gate, and then continued to write my journal entry. By 1:30 I was sitting in my “Vietnamese Language and Culture” class and today’s speaker was a middle-aged Vietnamese man by the name of Pham Quang Minh. His talk was entitled “Globalization, the End of the Cold War, and Viet Nam’s Renovated Foreign Policy.” It was interesting at the beginning but I quickly fell pray to spacing out as he described the Cold War as an “ideological contest.” Wait, that sounds fun! :)

After drawing as many Spongebob Squarepants characters as I could and then creating my own games of Text Twist, the lecture ended at 3:30. Professor Benjamin gave us a ten minute break and Jackie and I ran to wake up DiDi from her nap and invite her to dinner tonight. We’re all going to a Dining for a Cause (not for profit) restaurant and surprising her by treating her to a nice dinner in honor of her graduation from college and as a big thanks for all of the work she does for us. Jackie and I then ran back to class in time to get a couple of handouts and clear up a couple of questions about our final papers and photo projects due next week.

I got back to my room at 4:00 pm and finished writing my weekly internship journal as I had hoped. After I finished, Jill and I went down to the corner and got DiDi a bouquet of flowers from the girls and another one that will be from the boys. We then headed to the ATM to get the necessary money for tonight’s dinner. I’m about to go make sure DiDi’s getting ready for the dinner…

Leave comments!


Katrina Frances said...

woohoooooooooo extra peanuts!!!

Anonymous said...

At last, Caitlin, your big chance to create your Video Game "Ideological Contest" starring Spongebob Squarepants and his brother Spongeluigi Squarepants. All you will need is adobe photoshop and some princess to rescue?