This morning I woke up at 8:00, got dressed, did some singing and played computer games until 8:45. I grabbed an egg sandwich and headed for class, sat outside and talked with people, and then had Vietnamese class from 9-10:55 am. I rushed back to the dorm so I could speak with Andy over the internet and made it in time to talk with him. I also edited one of Jill’s papers for her independent study. The internet in our dorm is shoddy at best and kept kicking me off every ten minutes. Other than that, the talk was great until it kicked me off for good at noon. I didn't even get to say goodbye and it made me upset for the rest of the day.
I plodded upstairs to my room, got myself together, and went to the rice buffet to have lunch. As I was finishing up, Sarah appeared and I talked with her and she ate her rice. At 12:45 I went back to the dorm, got a big grapefruit outside the gate, and went back to my room. The room was still empty and I turned up my music and took a shower with the bathroom door open. I got ready quickly and then headed out to meet my fellow teachers in front of the dorm at 1:30. We took the bus, ended up at school on time, and Jackie and I taught our class from 2-4:45 pm.
After we let our students out we walked to the bus stop a few blocks over and took the 31 bus back to the dorm. I was back by 5:00 and made plans with Tica to hit up the internet cafe and then with Bryan to ride our bikes to Le Pub later on.
I went back to my room, grabbed my computer and course selection booklet, and met Tica. We got to the internet cafe about an hour ago and I had my xao bo and a Coke for dinner. I'm really here in order to be able to sign up for next semester's classes without getting kicked off the wireless. So far, so good...
Well, my comments are questions...
What is Xao Bo?
It sounds like your photography prof. is Vietnamese. Is this so? I am not surprised he liked your photos. They are superb.
what is the picture in this entry of?
Hey Caitie-
Nana Seadale got your Card and called to tell me how proud of you she is--She sends you lots of love. Aunt Jeanne and Renney and I got your cards also---We loved it--Be careful--is there a Typhoon over there? Love you--Grandpa Seadale
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