Day two in Vietnam was filled with classes. I woke up and talked to people on IM before eating some Froot Loops and heading off to Vietnamese 1 classes. They divided up our group of 20 and I have 6 other people in my group. I freaked out in the first chunk of the class, as they threw alot of language at us and were moving really fast. Then we had a 20 minute break and everyone thought that they were going quickly. Overall, the four hour class went really well and I know my numbers, and a short conversation (my name is; what is your name; personal pronouns that depend on how old the person is in relation to you, your parents, anfd your grandparents, etc). I tried to use some of it during our lunch on the street and people laughed. What can do you do. Then we had our first photography class from 1-4 and we were shown things about our cameras that I already knew and then our professors (Martin Benjamin from Union College in the US) showed us examples of pictures that would fit into each assignment category. I played computer games on my laptop for the majority of the class. After our photo class, we walked back to our hostel and I took 20 minutes trying to photograph a small ant on some of the crazy Vietnamese fruit in our room. It was successful and I might post that picture tomorrow. I will, however, post the picutres of our hostel I promised a couple of days ago. I hope the short video of me attemtping to cross a street where there are no driving laws (or they are just not followed). The rules of the road are ignored so much in Vietnam that we doubt they have any at all. I took a short nap and then we were taken out to dinner with a bunch of Vietnamese students our age and I talked to a guy named Pho (spelling) for those two hours. It was fun because he helped me practice some of my Vietnamese and his English was really good! The group then came back to the hostel and our new Vietnamese friends were going out to a club so I went with four other kids from our group and the new friends to this club called "The Volcano." They checked my bag at the door, which I didn't like, but it was there waiting for me at the end. We danced and it was nuts. Plus, all the music was in English! They played all kinds of rap and hip-hop from the US and we even heard my Maroon 5 jam! :) Off to Vietnamese class again. Don't stop praying! :)
I'm glad to know you're paying attention in classes...playing games....
wow! I love the pictures... its almost like I'm there, but not :) haha. It sounds like you've been doing a great job learning the language which is awesome! I bet it's really hard. It sounds scary to cross the road without laws... I remember trying to do that in Bolivia and I always thought I was going to get hit... not the best of feelings! and fruit loops for breakfast... sounds American to me! :) love you
I'm glad your second day was better! See, you did get a taste of the US there, yay clubbing :) Enjoy classes hun, you're in my thoughts every day :D
p.s. "merena" is actually Carol. i dont like putting my real name when signing up for things, and i didnt realize it wouldnt allow me to put my own name in :( I -think- i fixed it in my gmail, but dont be confused when you see that name instead of "Carol" <3
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