Today we've had fa (beef soup with greens) and some BREAD. Thank god. I didn't think we had bread here, so it was an awesome and welcome surprise. I'm posting some pictures as well. We walked all over the city this morning and then had an orientation. Some cultural things were explained and our class syllabi were handed out. They even highlighted the three levels of gastrointestinal problems, which Jackie and I have changed to terro alert levels and animals. Level 1, minor discomfort, has been changed to "orca," which is followed by "sloth," and "squirrel" is two to three hours in the hospital nearby.
We then walked the rest of Ho Chi Minh, and everybody was out riding their mopeds since today's a huge national holiday. On September 2nd, 1945, Ho Chi Minh declared independence from the French. Hoohah.
We walked through this huge market and I almost lost it. Smells are my downfall. It smelled like a mixture of raw fish, flowers, sweaty bodies, and other unidentifiable stenches. It was bad. Maybe I'll get used to it.
Keep on emailing and commenting! I'm reading them all and writing back. :)
wow... it sounds like you've had quite the experience already! With the wires, bad smells, and weapons, it sounds and looks like Bolivia to me, minus the mopeds. I hope you find some American type food soon! love you!
i looooooove you.
and you WOULD rename things with animal names.
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