
I woke up today at 8 am and went out to find breakfast. We visited our usual street vendors and told them the bad news- we're going to Hanoi for the rest of the semester. I took lots of pictures and I'll have to post them tomorrow, since I'm on ZeeZee's computer. Here in Hanoi, we don't get wireless in our rooms yet.
I came back to my room to pack, listen to music, talk to people on the internet, and play computer games. I then dragged my bags down the stairs and helped my roomie with hers as well. We went out and got lunch, but I didn't want to eat a lot before the flight. I invested in some Coke and some baguettes instead.
Our bus arrived at 12:30 and we were then told by the leader of our program that our flight was at 2:00 and not 3:00. We then rushed onto the bus, where I looked out the window and ate my lunch. It took about an hour to get to the airport and it was nothing less than hectic. I grabbed my bags and stood in line, at which point ZeeZee asked me to bring one of her bags on the plane with me. I jokingly asked her if there was anything I can't bring on the plane and she assured me there was not. After all of the Vietnamese Airlines people rushing to get us on the flight, we arrived at security. My pillow and backpack went through without a hitch. They pulled ZeeZee's bag aside and asked me to step aside. Apparently, they found two pairs of scissors in her carry-on bag. I said I was sorry and then threw them out. They let me go and as soon as I sat down on the plane, it started to take off.
The plane ride was a full two hour trip and it was extremely painful. My head cold contributed to an immense amount of pressure in the center of my face. Needless to say, I was happy when we landed at 4. I was also very happy that they did not lose either of my bags. I had spread out my two stuffed animals and packed my blankie in my carry-on to ensure I wouldn't be forced to sleep unequipped.
After loading our stuff onto a bus and getting onto a different bus, we traveled for another hour. I got to take lots more pictures of the different city. We arrived at the University of Vietnam at Hanoi's international dorm at about 5:30 pm. We're across from a huge soccer field and the view from our window looks down to the courtyard below. I dropped my stuff in the room, which is equipped with desks, a bathroom, shelves for clothes, and beds with mosquito nets! It's nice except for the lack of internet access in our rooms at the moment.
After exploring our rooms and setting out my pictures and stuffed animals, there was quiet knock at the door. Six other kids my age stood in the doorway and they were so happy to see us! They are from another program which takes students from all different colleges. They were excited to expand their social circle and immediately insisted they show us their favorite restaurant in the area. By that time, my voice was disappearing, due to my insane head cold's icy grip. A bunch of us went with them and it was definitely difficult and frustrating to attempt to meet new people as my voice dwindled to nothingness. They all seem really cool, though. Some are Vietnamese-Americans so they can already speak the language.
We finished dinner and walked the short distance back to the university. I unpacked the rest of my stuff and then met some of the group at 8:00. We took taxis to this place called the Lighthouse. It's about 20 minutes away and I got a Coke and played billiards again. After about two hours, I left with three other girls. I've been attempting to find some internet ever since I got back to the university at 10:30.I finally went to find ZeeZee and I have been typing on her computer ever since....
Dear Caitie,
Glad to read that you got to Hanoi safely, Sorry that your head cold is so troublesome. How about some rest in your schedule? Is there anything you can take to help?
I miss you more today , probably because your dad and I are running Discovery and I am bragging about you all day to everyone. Push the fluids and find a decongestant, oh and some time in your bed...the Hanoi nightlife can wait a couple of days, don't you think? Love you lots,
i hope you feel better soon!
and that hanoi rocks!
love you.
I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better!! The little girl with the granny panties is precious!
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